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Kunshan Haixu Technology & Electronics Co.







Marketing Center: Room 1410, Building 2, Dongfeng Ming Yang

Factory address: No. 238 Dongfeng Avenue South, Dongfeng Town, Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, China

  • How much is the buzzer drive current? What is the driving current of active buzzer


    How much is the buzzer drive current? What is the driving current of active buzzer

    This is a question that is often mentioned when setting up the circuit during actual operation, generally from a few milliamps to tens of amps. Suqian buzzer manufacturers

  • What are the advantages of piezoelectric buzzers


    Piezoelectric buzzer is an electro-acoustic conversion device that produces mechanical deformation and sound due to inverse piezoelectric effect. This product is widely used in various electrical products for alarm and sounding purposes, and is generally used more in music greeting cards, electronic watches, pocket calculators and so on. In order to ensure the quality of their use, when buying and selling, we should be strict to choose the most suitable products.

  • How to use the buzzer in life will not break?


    The piezoelectric buzzer accompanies us every day, and we may not notice it. Which appliances we use in our daily life buzzer, I will give you an introduction: such as our usual rice cooker, washing machine, electric juicer, air conditioning, etc. are used to buzzer for prompting

  • Piezo buzzer sound, performance and efficiency


    12V piezo siren solder cleanable piezo buzzer 22mm piezo buzzer wave solder cleanable piezo alarm indicator 12VDC piezo buzzer 12V piezo siren solder cleanable piezo buzzer

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Telephone:130-8586-3714 (Wechat same number)         Telephone:0757-22907220         QQ:1009188492      


Fax:0757-22907220                                E-mail:zshaixu@163.com

Kunshan address: Pengxi South Road, penglang, Kunshan Development Zone                

Factory address: 7th floor, building c27c2, Zhongjian maker Park, Ronggui Xijiao community, Shunde, Foshan

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